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With heavy hearts, we have made the difficult decision to close Lotus Auctions as of August 31, 2024 due to unforeseen family circumstances. We thank you for 8 amazing years. It has truly been our pleasure meeting, getting to know, and working with so many of you - both consignors and buyers.
~ Bernie Triche (203-427-5225) and Tom Mason (203-927-4010) ~

George Morrison, Ojibwa (1919 - 2000)
Modernist artist. SOLD $32,500

Karel Christiaan Appel (1921 - 2006)
Active/lived in New York / France, Italy, Switzerland. SOLD $4,250

Illegible, Cyrillic 1992
SOLD $100

George Morrison, Ojibwa (1919 - 2000)
Modernist artist. SOLD $32,500
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